Mineral Dieta

Dieta is a process of attuning with another self in order to unveil the world you both share. Just as the 2D images of two eyes can be merged into a 3D worldview, our limited perspective can be merged with that of another to reveal the higher dimensional environment we co-habit and co-create. Dieta, that is, is a way of “seeing with 2 Is.”

On dieta in Peru (2019)

Spanish for “diet,” dieta is a term colloquially used to describe the way Amazonian healers commune with plants in order to develop a relationship for working together. It requires fasting and purging, detoxing both biological and cultural toxins while attenuating all such inputs—no sugar, no salt, no sex, no TV… only sustenance. This is done in deep isolation. Concentrated plant extracts are consumed, invited into the body in order to unify as something collective.

Such devotion is more practical than worshipful: coming into resonance is, simply, how we commune. A dieta has more in common with a radio than it does the Eucharist. Seeing with 2 Is is a process of tuning in.

The mineral dieta is an idea gifted by teacher plants on a plant dieta in 2019. FABRYX was founded to discover and develop what it might be.

Mineral Dieta Protocol v0.1

Our mission is to commune with minerals the way Amazonian shamans do with plants.