The Lodge at Les Roseaux

Les Roseaux is 1.2 hectares of terrain with five large buildings lying on the banks of the Avre River about 100km west of Paris, France. It was originally developed as a copper smelt in the 19th century then was converted into a training facility for the French military which left it in ruin at the end of the 20th century. In 2000, a French couple revitalized the site as a theatre, restaurant, and residence. It became the FABRYX Lodge in 2023.

The Museum in Context

The five buildings of Les Roseaux from above

The Lodge hosts FABRYX guild members for short retreats and longer residencies. Here, members participate in mineral dietas to inspire digital and physical artistic contributions to the guild. Copies are installed on site to shape the experiences of future visitors.

Inside the Museum

Each of the five buildings serves a different function. The largest is the Museum, literally a Temple of the Muses where creative inspiration is sparked. At its center is Argo, an experimental float tank developed by FABRYX that uses AI and sound in biofeedback to induce altered states of consciousness for training AI foundation models.

Top floor of the Generator

The Generator will be an experimental residence where guild members stay when visiting. A former electrical power plant, this concrete structure will be renovated using megalithic methods to include studio space, multiple float tanks, a hammam, a sauna, and electrified megalithic sleeping pods that produce ultrasonic hymns (following the insights of Geoffrey Drumm and others).

Ground floor of the Generator

The School and Assembly buildings are occupied and operated by Les Roseaux de l'Avre, a French non-profit founded in 2021. This partner organization runs a school for 3-12+ year olds as well as a theatre program and restaurant on site, providing food, entertainment, and educational collaborations for guild visitors.

Plans for the final building are still being developed.

Les Roseaux (right) in the mid-20th century
Our mission is to commune with minerals the way Amazonian shamans do with plants.